Friday, June 1, 2007

Forget the belt…Harper’s cheap shots will try to hit you everywhere

Another round of attack ads…
This subject has been one that I have found myself in many arguments with my conservative friends. They view the Conservative attack ads as being good policy which shows they are the stronger party. This could not be further from the truth. Attack ads, although effective in putting a different light on an individual or subject, do not show strength, but desperation.
Harper has not been able to capitalise on his previous attack ads against Dion’s leadership and the conservatives are still almost head to head with the liberals. Going into the summer break without an opportunity to have an election, the Tories feel it necessary to inappropriately misconstrue the information in hopes of getting Canadians to think that they are the victims of a very turmoil filled session in the House.
They spend more time spin doctoring than they do governing and I hope that Canadians are starting to catch on to the Tories’ childish behaviour. I guess one cannot expect a party who acts like children in the House to act any different in the real world.
I am please to see the new commercials that the Young Liberals are now airing, a comedic spin on the very visible difference between the two parties…we just need more money to run them on tv.

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