Thursday, June 14, 2007

Calvert calls Harper’s bluff

Just days after Harper told the provinces that if they have a problem with the budget they can take him to court; Saskatchewan’s Lorne Calvert might do just that. With the new equalization formula in the budget, Saskatchewan is set to loose millions of dollars from the inclusion of non-renewable resources with the “O’Brian Report” being used by the federal government. Saskatchewan has been on the border between being a have/have not, however if NRR are included (as they will be with the O’Brian Report) then Saskatchewan will receive no equalization payments.

The inclusion of NRR is another broken promise of Harper government. Harper campaigned in Saskatchewan during the 2006 election that he would not include NRR in the equalization formula, and by that managed to win 12 seats in the province.

Premier’s Danny Williams (NFLD) and Rodney MacDonald (NS) said they would testify in court if it went that far. Calvert is welcoming them to join him in his intent to sue the federal government.

Harpo can lie to the Canadian people that he did not break his promise and that the provinces are better off, but the facts prove just the opposite. He breaks promises…leaders don’t break promises…Stephen Harper is not a leader!

1 comment:

Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

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